The Prydniprovsk Institute PJSC “VNO “MAUP” is a team of goal-oriented, creative and proactive young people who are united by a common goal, idea and desire to find themselves and self-realize and who care about the future of the Institute.
The Student Council of the Prydniprovsk Institute PJSC “VNI “MAUP” consists of five sectors:
1. Education and science is a sector, the main task of which is the research and implementation of learning tools in the educational space of students. Here you will be able to realize your writing and innovative talents.
2. Спорту – спорт сьогодні займає важливе місце в житті кожної людини і суспільства в цілому. Заняття спортом і здоровий спосіб життя стали модною тенденцією сучасного світу, тому, що в наші дні люди стали більше дбати про своє здоров’я, а спорт найкращий засіб для підтримки організму в тонусі та зміцнення здоров’я. Тому цей сектор відповідальний саме за зміцнення здоров’я студентів.
3. Cultural and mass – this sector is created for creative, talented and creative individuals. First of all, the human soul expresses itself in singing, in games, in drawings, that is why we develop the creative abilities of our students, organize various holidays, competitions, because each person finds new knowledge, and answers to vital questions, and comfort from everyday hustle and bustle , and enjoyment.
4. Career guidance – the tasks of career guidance are to acquaint potential students with professions and the rules for their selection, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; education in young people focused on self-discovery and own activity as the basis of professional self-determination.
5. Volunteering – Volunteering is not a job, it’s not paid for, it’s an internal ability of people who don’t care. This is a rare opportunity to help people, communicate with them, implement ideas and constantly act and move forward. Our students are always active, responsible and proactive individuals. We cooperate with the Youth Parliament of Kremenchuk, the Department of Youth and Sports, the Department of Families and Children, the Department of Education of the Executive Committee of the Kremenchuk City Council of the Kremenchuk District of the Poltava Region with the support of the Kremenchuk City Government.
In their activities, student self-government bodies are guided by:
- The Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”;
- Current legislation of Ukraine;
- Decisions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
- By order of the rector of PJSC “MAUP University”;
- By order of the directors of the Prydniprovsk Institute of PJSC “UZ “MAUP”;
- Rules of internal procedure of the Institute;
- Regulations on the student council and other regulatory and instructional documents.
The main tasks of the Student Council are:
- Ensuring and protecting the rights and interests of students;
- Ensuring that students fulfill their duties;
- Promotion of educational, scientific, creative and sports activities of students;
- Assistance in creating the necessary conditions for living in a dormitory and rest for students;
- Organization of cooperation with students of other institutions and youth organizations;
- Direct participation of students in the implementation of state youth policy;
- Control over the academic discipline of students, prompt response to their offenses within the institute;
- Involvement of students in artistic self-activity, holding evenings of rest, photo exhibitions, various quizzes, actions, quests, contests, as well as watching movies, computer game competitions, sports competitions, etc.